Hurricane Irma 2017
“Conflict has a way of testing the mettle of what was already tempered in your seasons of preparation.” Girls with Swords by Lisa Bevere
This hurricane played havoc with my heart- moved things around in my family and marriage and now I feel it’s all a mess. I look around and wonder why -what is it all for?
Was it to see what’s battened down, secure, safe, solid…what needs to lift off and be thrown aside as worthless broken trash?
My autocorrect just inserted “yea so.”
If it’s not chained down to the foundation, it’s gotta go…no direct line, it can’t stay. A sort of pruning I suppose, taking what’s dead and lifeless away. Lord, I hate the mess.
But continue the work I pray. I want the gifts that come after the storm, the rainbow, the piercing sun, the hope of better days and new beginnings- I will wait for what’s ugly now to become new and restored. I will be patient. I will trust you in the aftermath that out of it will produce more love, more hope, and something more beautiful than I can ask for or imagine.
Help my eyes to see what is to come when I look at all that’s undone.
Ann Voskamp says there grace in the breaking.
“Like the wind, grace finds us wherever we are and won’t leave us however we were found.
Grace isn’t a mere Pollyanna feeling. It’s a force. It’s a powerful force. As startling as the power of electricity. Grace is the power of God pulsating with this passionate love of God, this jolting, blazing, dangerous love that pierces all of humanity’s pitch-black. Grace always shocks. Grace always stuns. Grace is always what we need. It’s what everyone groping around lost in the dark has to know: turn toward grace and you turn on all the lights.”
Ann Voskamp