Online Assessment
- Vision and values are aligned in my life.
- My values guide my daily life.
- To the extent that I can, I create an environment which minimizes my stress.
- I am satisfied with the balance between my work and life.
- I look forward to going to work.
- My work challenges me.
- My work is fulfilling.
- I have a fear of failure.
- I debate subjects – not argue them – in a controlled, courteous manner.
- I am satisfied with the amount and variety I read.
- I maintain a continuing education program relative to my career and/or interests.
- I carefully select my movies and television choices.
- I am satisfied with the entertainment choices I make.
- I make an effort to maintain and improve my verbal, non verbal and written communication skills.
- I expand my mind to learn other points of view.
- I can accept the various feelings I experience (mad, glad, sad, frightened).
- I can relax my body and mind (without using drugs).
- I include relaxation time as part of my daily routine.
- There is an appropriate amount of time urgency in my daily routine.
- I make decisions with a minimum of stress and worry.
- I laugh a lot.
- I feel positive and good about myself.
- I actively listen with my eyes, ears and body language.
- I do my part to promote clean air.
- I put trash in appropriate containers.
- My behavior reflects fairness and justice.
- I use my creativity in constructive ways.
- I contribute time and/or money to community projects.
- I share personal issues with a close few.
- I contribute to the feeling of acceptance within my family.
- I take steps to conserve environmental energy in all areas of my life.
- When I see a safety hazard, I take action (warn others or correct the problem).
- I follow the instructions provided with any prescription drug I take.
- I consider alternatives to drugs or medications that might be used to promote health.
- I avoid using drugs or medications obtained from unlicensed sources.
- I drink 2 or fewer alcoholic drinks daily.
- I avoid tobacco products in my daily life.
- Vehicles which I drive are maintained.
- I wear my seatbelt while driving or riding in a vehicle.
- I drive within the speed limit or traffic flow.
- I do not ride with vehicle operators who are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
- I set realistic objectives for myself.
- I get between 6-8 hrs of sleep per night.
- I know and complete medical testing requirements and/or suggestions for my age group.
- I have a blood chemistry analysis yearly.
- I keep my cholesterol level, high density lipids and triglycerides in a range that minimizes my chances of disease.
- I take time for me.
- I am aware of family history of disease and health issues and make lifestyle decisions accordingly.
- I am satisfied with my energy level throughout the day.
- I brush my teeth and floss daily.
- When I’m experiencing illness or injury, I take necessary steps to correct the problem.
- I examine my breasts or testes on a monthly basis for preventive health reasons.
- I maintain an up-to-date immunization record.
- I understand the health benefit of the foods that I purchase.
- I minimize foods in my diet that are processed.
- I plan my diet to insure an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.
- I drink 6-8 glasses of water in my daily life.
- I intentionally include fiber in my diet on a daily basis.
- I eat fruit and vegetables fresh and uncooked.
- I eat a minimum of three meals daily.
- I shop with a list.
- I know my weight requirements and live within my limits.
- When exercising, I break a sweat.
- When I exercise, I prefer to take a class.
- I use stairs instead of elevators and escalators.
- My exercise program includes an adequate amount of endurance, strength, and flexibility.
- I need a goal and accountability to get me exercising regularly.
- I increase my exercise by walking, playing with friends &/or kids/grandkids whenever possible.
- I prefer to exercise with others.
- I have completed a health fitness assessment in the last year.
- I approach exercise in a relaxed manner.
- When I exercise, I monitor my heart rate.
- I exercise at least three times a week for 20 minute sessions
- 315-365 true north direction headed for total fulfillment
- 245-314 on course for wellness yet need more convincing to take a turn
- 215-264 there are more effective & efficient directions are available to help you reach your designation
- 214 & lower possibly time to re-chart your course
The emotional dimension emphasizes an awareness and acceptance of your feelings. Feelings are validated, affirmed but not necessarily obeyed. Emotional wellness includes the degree to which you feel positive and enthusiastic about your self and life. It includes the capacity to manage feelings and relate behaviors including the realistic assessment of your limitations, development of autonomy, and ability to cope effectively with stress. The emotionally well person maintains satisfying relationships with others.
The physical dimension encourages cardiovascular endurance, body composition, muscular flexibility, endurance and strength and also encourages regular physical activity. Physical development encourages knowledge about food and nutrition and discourages the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. It encourages activities which contribute to high level wellness, including medical self care and appropriate use of the medical system.
The social dimension encourages contributing to your human and physical environment for the common welfare of your community. It emphasizes the interdependence with others and nature. It also includes the pursuit of harmony within your family.
The occupational dimension involves preparing for work in which you will gain personal satisfaction and find enrichment in your life through work. Occupational development is related to your attitude about your work.
The intellectual dimension encourages creative, stimulating mental activities. One uses the resources available to expand knowledge, improve skills, and increase the potential for sharing with others.
The spiritual dimension involves seeking meaning and purpose in human existence. It includes the development of a deep appreciation for the depth. It also involves developing a strong sense of personal values and ethics.